Sully's Topsy Tale eBook is up for an award! Go to this link to vote for him. At the top of the page are some e's. Hover your mouse over those and hopefully, you will give it five e's which will say "you've gotta read it." Thanks!
Liz Ball shares a hidden picture puzzle and coloring page for Father's Day. To order books with her hidden picture puzzles or other b...
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Donna's Children's Books
Guardian Angel Publishing teams with Be There Bedtime Stories.
Be There Bedtime Stories is a technology that puts video of a Storyteller onto the page of a children’s book, to be displayed on a computer and read to your children. What a wonderful way to remain close to your grandchildren or your children when you're away from home.
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Where authors and readers come together!
Chizzy's Brother
Jazzy wants to hang out with you! Click on him to see what he'll do!
What's New this Month?
We meet the SECOND Tuesday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm. Invite someone
to come with you. Please scroll down to see how we conduct the meetings.
Our vol...
Valentine's Day Coloring Page from Ava and Sandman
**Click on the picture, then print! It will print out full size ready to be
colored. If that doesn't work with your printer, right click on the
Bradybug - Where Can I Find MY Book?
Bradybug is available any place books are sold. If it's not in stock, just
ask for it or order from the publisher here:
Join Donna's Fan Club - Donna J. Shepherd, Writer, Speaker, Singer's
Facebook Page
[image: Donna J. Shepherd, Writer, Speaker, Singer's Facebook Page]
Sully's Topsy Tale - Available Now!
Aren't their expressions adorable? It's almost like you can hear them
singing. *Sully's Topsy Tale *is now available every place books are
sold AND as an...
Ouch! Sunburn!
Donna J. Shepherd
*A Wings of Faith Children's Book*
Author: Donna J. Shepherd
Illustrations: Kevin...
No More Gunk! Picture Book for Ages 4-8
*No More Gunk!* is a Double Doozie - two books in one! This book is the
first for a new imprint of Guardian Angel Publishing. The Health & Hygiene
How Art Is Created in Topsy Turvy Land
*Topsy Turvy Tales* have a unique look created by artist and illustrator,
Kevin Scott Collier. Here are examples from a work-in-progress called *Chizzy's
Good Night Sweet Blog
*Mary Connealy*
Good night sweet blog. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Yes, Seekerville is closing up. I hate it and I'm ready. This blog has
meant so ...
Modern Dining Set For 6
You have got modern dining set for 6 image that you are looking for all
this time. If you are looking for modern dining set for 6 images, then you
have co...
Picture Book Writing Tips
Writing picture books is similar to that of poetry. Employ an economy of
words and lots of rhythm. There are differences, too. In poetry, visual and
Ecclesiastes Part 1 (Chapters 1-6)
Well we have reached the 21st book of the Bible, Ecclesiastes. In Hebrew,
the word ecclesiastes means to preach. It was written about 975 years
before Je...
When a Sketch is a Stretch
I'll admit it; I'm a Halloween party-pooper.
Dressing up in a costume to me is more torture than fun; best leave that to
those who are heart,...
Amason Best-Selling Author
* Amazon Best Sellers Rank:* #47,084 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top
100 Pa...
Another Fabulous Addition To My Library
Wanted to share another book I could not do without as I begin my new
novel. Excellent substitutes for overused phrases and words now at my
Cynsations Has Moved
The Cynsations blog has moved and is no longer being updated at Blogger.
If you are not automatically redirected, please go to
In the Moment
The other night Gracen began reading all of my old blog posts. I sat down
with her and we read through all of them together. We had so much fun
Kid's Magazine Submissions Quick Guide
by Susan Berger
Anybody have an article, a story, a poem, a Puzzle or Rebus suitable for a
children’s magazine? Here is a list of places where they might b...
Love Across the Bridge
Any dog lover...actually, any animal lover, knows that to lose a beloved
pet is an indescribable grief. I can relate to dogs because I've never had
a c...
Make a Joyful Noise
Make a joyful noise,
lift up your voice.
Join the happy sounds of nature singing!
Enjoy the lovely day,
have fun, laugh and play.
Give thanks for each ...
Tolerance: How to Nurture It
Facing the challenges of racism, sexism, and other prejudices in our
society can be overwhelming for us adults. For kids, intolerance is even
Cara Membuat Kue Nastar Dan Tips Agar Enak
*Cara Membuat Kue Nastar* - resep kue yang Nastar Lezat lembut empuk juga
pasti renyah.cara bagaimana membuat isi kue nanas tidak sulit, berbeda
dengan ben...
Life Just Got Real by Sadie Robertson
About the Book:
From *Dancing with the Stars* runner-up and *Duck Dynasty* star Sadie
Robertson comes a fun novel about two teenage girls from different...
We got in the wrong lane one day last week and ended up at the strawberry
fields quite by delightful accident. Last year they didn't have
strawberries for...
IT'S LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate & Oliver get to tell their story to the world!
And here are all the links you'll need to ...
Catching Up-2015
Well, it's been a while since I've been allowed to get my furry paws on
moms laptop. To say my humans have been busy would be an understat...
Memorial Day
Thanks to all those who are giving their lives or have given their lives so
that we may live free.
I only want to add an excerpt from my grandfather's jour...
How to Read a Poem
Here's a great article on how to read a poem to get the most out of it.
Visit Our New Blog!
We're happy to announce our new blog. You can now find our new blog online
Hope you'll also check out our ne...
a new photoblog
Today my Thursday Challenge photo is posted on *my new photoblog*...
I'd love it if you dropped by!
For a while now I've been hankering after a more phot...
2013 Pulpwood Queen Book Club Selections, so far
Miss Dreamsville and The Collier County Women’s Literary Society by Amy
Hill Hearth (new boo...
I've been negligent, I know. It's been several weeks since I posted here.
I started with real determination to post twice weekly here. But LIFE keeps
Come See Me!
***If you haven’t read about it, I’ve moved! I know the majority of you
have not signed up for the new posts. I hope you will hop over and remedy
that. ...
I've Moved! Will You Join Me at My New Location?
Easy Writer blog has been incorporated into my newly designed website
( in an attempt to simplify things for
readers/followers. Everyth...
Father's Day Tribute to My Dad
My Mary
“The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name.” John 10:3
I can almost hear him now. It’s as if it were yesterday. Dad would cuddl...
Topsy Turvy Love
Read: Matthew 1:21:
*"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for
he shall save his people from their sins."*
What do you th...
Ideal Meal - a Fun Thanksgiving Poem
A Thanksgiving poem - for fun! Ideal Meal The Thanksgiving turkey Tasted
like jerky With lumpy potatoes And sour tomatoes The dressing too sodden
and moist...
Blog Moved to New Location
Hey Ladies,
This blog has been moved to a new location. Visit our new blog at
We love serving you and hope you continue to follow our...
“I didn’t sign up for this!”
Is that what you thought when your parent became disabled and you became
their sole care-giver...
One week later......
No bites yet on auditions, but admittedly this venture is still a work in
progress and I've still got some rust to shake off. One of the biggest
things ...
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
It's been said that no good deed goes unpunished, and ABC News reports that
a 14-year old Florida boy learned that lesson the hard way. Last week, the
Snowed In and Losing It!
I've been home from school for two days, and although I enjoy the chance to
sleep in on occasion, I think I'm goin' outta my mind with all the snow.
Who's Gonna Fill His Shoes?
This entry has nothing to do with the music industry. The last couple of
weeks have been spent not only trying to keep up with our family's home
life but a...
Help The Victims of the Haitian Earthquake!
Heroes 4 Haiti is a grassroots movement of artists seeking to raise money
for organizations helping victims of the recent Haitian earthquake. Heroes
4 Hait...
...getting ready for the upcoming trip to Dallas...I could end up speaking
about four times to young people in Dallas and Oklahoma! Road trip for
Jesus! I'...
3rd Location - Auburn Hills
We are looking forward to opening our new location in Auburn Hills at the
Great Lakes Crossing Mall. We have been working hard to get our 3rd
location read...
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