Thanks for having me here today Donna. As for what I was like as a five-year-old, let’s see, I was afraid of dogs, we had a beagle. Now that seems silly, but at five I was terrified! We also moved from New Jersey to Puerto Rico. I thought we were going on a grand adventure. My dad had told us we’d be moving to a different country every two years. (We stayed in Puerto Rico for almost nine years.) Before we moved dad had us practicing Spanish, learning to rrroll our rrrr’s. I guess that’s what gave me the travel bug because I’ve been traveling ever since.
As I grew up, around ten I think, I made the decision I’d never forget what it was like to be a kid and I haven’t. It helped my own children when they’d get into trouble because I could remember doing the same things. Sometimes it was hard not to laugh instead of discipline them.
#2. What inspired you to create “Zooprise Party / Fiesta Zoorpresa”?
My husband’s daughter from a previous marriage has two girls. They live in Puerto

I asked our daughter Rebekha to write stories for the girls that I would then illustrate and her father would translate to Spanish. Within a day she emailed me three stories, all about animals. (She was a college student studying anthropology to become a zookeeper.)
As the ‘project’ developed, it became clear that this wasn’t just a book. This was a book that would help teach a second language as well as inform people about animals that aren’t very common. With that in mind I developed the Activity Book and the Teacher’s Guide to take the book beyond reading.
#3. Share the best feedback from a child you've received for your writing.
When I did my first school visit, I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if the children would pay attention. Boy was I wrong. They were hooked from the start. Afterwards we had a question and answer time and that showed me they really were paying attention. Here’s a slide show from that day.
Trailer for the book!
Zooprise Party / Fiesta Zoorpresa by Rebekha Delgado
Picture book ISBN: 978-0-9755454-1-6
Activity Book ISBN: 978-0-9755454-2-3
Teacher’s guide ISBN: 978-0-9755454-3-0
You can see how these books and website work together go to:
You can also follow Joy’s two blogs:
Zooprise Party / Fiesta Zoorpresa where you’ll find Zebee the laughing zebra and the rest of the gang at the ‘V Zoo’.
Books Go Beyond Reading where you will learn how to take any book beyond reading.
Where can you pick up your copies?
Laughing Zebra – Books for Children
Offers free shipping, discounts and autographed copies
This Old Schoolhouse Store
Offers free shipping and discounts
Thanks for hosting me today Donna. The pictures you used are some of my favorites. I love the one of Rebekha and Daniel. It shows their true personalities. :-)
Thanks again,
Joy Delgado
Illustrator and publisher of bilingual children’s books
Joy - fascinating interview. We traveld around a ton when I was little. By the time we moved and stayed in Philadelphia, I had lived in Michigan amd Texas. I've visited California, Arizona, Florida, New Jersey...
I lived in California half of my life with a brief turn off to New Jersey and back again. I like to travel close to home. This half of my life has been spent in Southern Oregon.
Thanks for letting me, Joy. Those pics are adorable, and so are your books.
Great pictures, Joy! Thanks for sharing with us!
WOW! Who wouldn't fall in love with books that have such appealing cover art. Super kid friendly, Joy.
You made it come alive for us, Donna.
BUY any Autographed Book from my website, and receive a FREE LINK to me READING that story!
Thank you all for stopping by.
Jennifer-Was your dad in the military or jsut had a job that moved him around?
Shari-I lived in CA for 15 years. What part of CA did you live in?
Donna and Kim-Did you guess which one is me?
Margot-Thank you for the compliment on my art work. Pop over and see Zebee. I just finished a drawing of him for Tuesday's post.
Thanks again everyone. This is fun.
Joy, what a joy getting to know you a bit better. I just love the childhood photos! I love your experience in sharing your first school visit too... kids really are fascinated by anything animals and seem to grasp easier the lesson through the eyes of animals.
Author & proud mom of Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog
2009 Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame Companion
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